Stop making all characters appear on your automap press Alt+Shift+D to bring up a text box, then just type: dontshowmeall
Makes all of the areas in the game forget your crimes press Alt+Shift+D to bring up a text box, then just type: pleaselikeme
Gives you XP press Alt+Shift+D to bring up a text box, then just type: iwanttobestronger
Spawns a cake in the selected character's inventory press Alt+Shift+D to bring up a text box, then just type: giveasnack
Restores your party's spell energy press Alt+Shift+D to bring up a text box, then just type: imdrained
Reveals hidden NPCs on your minimap press Alt+Shift+D to bring up a text box, then just type: showmeall
Fully buffs your entire party press Alt+Shift+D to bring up a text box, then just type: leetbuffz
Cures any character that is frozen press Alt+Shift+D to bring up a text box, then just type: owmybrains
Returns you to Fort Monestary press Alt+Shift+D to bring up a text box, then just type: backtostart
Restores your party's health press Alt+Shift+D to bring up a text box, then just type: ouchouchouch
Disables the showmeall cheat press Alt+Shift+D to bring up a text box, then just type: dontshowmeall |